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So I recently recieved a voxbox from influenster called #ROCKTHELUNCHBOX. I have alot of mixed feelings with this voxbox. I thought it was great and different but there were a few disappointers, I have to admit. Keep reading you'll see why. However My overall Review was "7 out of 10" I guess. My Kids really loved it! Personally, as an adult I was expecting better.

Anyways, SO let's get into detail... begining with the "Applegate Half time" I, as an adult I really enjoyed it. So did my kids! I tasted some of it, my kids ate it all! The "yo kids" yogurt was amazing! It had such a rich flavor, my 6 month old loved it the most!! I tried a piece of The Annies Gummy bears that was great as well, the flavor was rich and pure. I didn't get to try the turkey, cheese, and crackers, however my daughter ate it all up! She loved it! So I am really impressed with the Apple gate half time Box! I really enjoy the packaging! It is very convient!

Okay, next I tried the Honest Kids "Berry Lemonade". I really didnt like it. It was WAY to sour for my taste. My kids LOVED it so much! So I guess it was worth it for my kids. As an adult, not so much. My kids also really loved the Annies Graham crackers, with chocolate chip. I didn't get a chance to try that one either. However, If my kids enjoyed it then I guess it was great!

I did a "Unboxing" for this if you CLICK HERE you can watch the Video!

So over all, I was alittle disappointed with the Honest kids Juice, however it was still great & I personally recommend it to try atleast!

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.